Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday TV

Top Chef Season 8 Episode 9 - Feeding Fallon

We're down to only a few left now, with Tre going home last week. The quickfire challenge consisted of fondu, which Dale won with his "Pho'ndu". Which brings us to the Elimination Challenge, cooking for Jimmy Fallon for his birthday (hence the ep name). Top three with Carla, Angelo and Antonia. As always, I was pulling for Angleo, but crazy ass Carla won with her Chicken Pot Pie. If it hasn't been said before, this chick is wackjob crazy! But she's becoming an amazing chef, winning three challenges now, and three trips (this one was Tokyo and $5,000). One winner, means one loser. Bottom three were Tiffany, Dale and Fabio. Fabio kept calling his burger a "booger", but it wasn't juicy enough as he packed his knives and left. Fabio has an amazing personality, but he just wasn't there as a chef. He certainly will be missed. Top two quotes were from Blais "Eating should be somewhat dangerous sometimes" and Fabio "You really are the only shadow standing in your own sunshine." 8.5/10

Modern Family Season 2 Episode 14 - Bixby's Back

Going back to last season's Valentine's Day episode, Claire and Phil decide to try the hotel again, under the names Clive Bixby and Juliana (same as last year). Their antics aren't as funny this year, as Phil predictably takes the wrong hotel keycard, but did produce the best line of the night "I'm usually pretty good at catching things from women in bars". Phil ends up naked in the wrong hotel room, and that's pretty much the end of that. Cam and Marshall bicker about who Marshall's assistant really has a crush on, but it's quite boring. Manny tries to woo Haley after her boyfriend stands her up on Valentine's Day, only to be wooed by Dylan instead. Meh. Jay and Gloria's side plot wasn't funny at all. Once again Phil and Claire steal the show in this one. And let's face it, I think Mrs. Dunphy is by far the best MILF around. 8/10

Human Target Season 2 Episode 15 - Marshall Pucci

This show gets too little credit. Maybe it's the whole spy/action thing that I just love, but it seems to get weak ratings. This week has Chance and crew finally finding out who Marshall Pucci's mistress is, a rouge CIA agent out to kill them all. After finding out the CIA takes over their offices, the team decides to go underground and find the reason why the CIA is after them. Mrs. Pucci showing more of her braver side in this ep, including almost killing the rouge agent. While pointing a gun to the agent, her and Chance get surrounded by agents, they jump off the building. How the hell Chance jumps off the building and manages to land on a ledge right below the top, all the while hanging on to Ilsa with one hand. HA! Lastly, we see what Guerrero does best, holding the head CIA guy in his ElDo, walking away and blowing the car up. 8/10

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