Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday TV

Community Season 2 Episode 15 - Early 21st Century Romanticism

With Community being on fire as of late, I'd expect subsequent episodes to do the same. The ep has four major plotlines, Brita and her new friend thinking each other are lesbians, Troy and Abed trying to court the same girl, Pierce turning into a drug addict, and Chang tricking Jeff into having a party at his house, in effort to stay there after being kicked out by his wife. The Pierce drug thing was boring, especially with Andy Dick, Chang and the party was a bit boring too, but did provide two of the best lines "In England, we say Gravedigger's Biscuits" and "In England, everything means vagina". Troy and Abed courting the girl was alright, but Brita and her "lesbian" friend kissing was the best part. Alright episode, but certainly not as good as last weeks. 7.5/10

The Big Bang Theory Season 4 Episode 15 - The Benefactor Factor

This show is getting on my nerves now. While they do still talk about tech, it's just getting bland. I'm not sure if my friend telling me it sucks opened my eyes, or it's just really dragging on for me. The laugh track just kills it for me. The show opens, as usual, with the gang at the college cafeteria talking about some techie thing. This time it was about zombies, and if they don't eat flesh, do they die. Meh. The main plot line (there's only one here) is the gang must go to some fundraiser to get money for their department. Lenard ends up gaining the attention of Lucille Bluth (from Arrested Development), who wants to have sex with him. Thinking she wants sex in exchange for the grant money, he declines, but eventually gives in after she says he'll never forget tonight. *shrug* Bland, and the only chuckle was from Lucille. 6/10

Nikita Season 1 Episode 14 - The Next Seduction

Being a new show in a lineup of dozens of new shows this year, Nikita has stood out as one of the best. It's a shame it's on CW, as a bigger budget could do wonders for this show. We're 14 episodes in and it's really starting to get good. With Alex now as an Agent, she can freely see Nikita without any issues. This week has Nikita going back to an old mission, in effort to recover a WMD. Nikita must go back to a past she desperately wanted to leave behind. She meets up with an old flame (her previous target), who is trying to defect from Germany, and who also has the WMD. Hot on his trail is the German Division, who's also trying to recruit Nikita to take down Division. Action scenes were quite good as usual, with an awesome gunfight at the end, where Nikita plays a switcheroo with the WMD, where the CIA analyst is able to turn it in and get promoted. Ep ends with the analyst kisses Nikita, Nikita calling Alex to say relationships are ok, and Alex having sex with her neighbor. 8/10

The Mentalist Episode 4 Season 14 - Blood For Blood

Another mystery crime show, that fits the same format as all the others. One great thing about this show, is Patrick Jane. Patrick just seems to know exactly what's going on and who the killer is before everyone does. This episode is no different. When a witness in protection gets murdered under Grace's watch, she thinks she had a part in it. Since this show follows the exact same format as all the other shows, the killer is the first person you see. In this case, it's the Marshall (or so they make you think). The witness' daughter ends up being the killer, after she finds out her dad killed her mother. Self-defense or pre-meditated? Flashback shows self-defense, but who knows. The Marshall was paid by the same drug dealer the witness saw murder someone, but that story part doesn't really matter. Lisbon actually lets the daughter go, since it really wasn't needed to have the daughter go to jail for that. Finally we see Grace tell Rigsby that her and the FBI guy are getting married. :( 7.5/10

The Office Season 7 Episode 15 - PDA

The opening had a few chuckles, with everyone thinking it was Darrel's birthday instead of his Grandmother passing. Michael and Holly are dating and are quite annoying, as are Gabe and Erin. As the title of the show is PDA, the plot line revoles around Michael and Holly's public displays of affection, which is equally annoying. How is this show funny? Jim and Pam come back drunk from lunch, which is sometimes funny, but...In an effort to stop the PDA, they come up with the idea to have three closets for "hook ups", Dwight asks if masturbation is ok. :\ Michael and Holly awkwardly tell each other they love each other. Andy and Erin go through this "treasure hunt" that Gabe puts together for Erin, sigh. Worst line for the show "No one is a bigger fan of sexual touching than me", as said by Gabe. Gah, this show has gotten terrible. Erin and Gabe are terrible together, Andy and Erin are cute together, but that doesn't seem to be happening anymore. Sigh. 5/10

30 Rock Season 5 Episode 14 - Double-Edged Sword

Let's hope 30 Rock is better than the Office was. Based on the first joke, things are looking up! Tracy has finally received his EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony). Avery and Jack are in Canada on vacation, when she goes into labor. They bring up the joke about the baby being born in Canada. The Canadian bellhop asks "What's wrong aboot being Canadian?" to which Jack responds back with "Your milk comes in bags! Bags!" HAHA! With all flights cancelled, Jack and Avery end up hitchhiking back to the US.  Carol and Liz try to take a flight together to spend Valentine's Day with one another, but the plane is grounded for whatever reason. Pilots keep saying 30 minutes so that people don't get upset. Smart. Best line of the show "Oh! Where are my manners? Do you wanna try some meth?" HAHA! Despite their efforts, Jack and Avery didn't make it to the US, so now their daughter is now Canadian. Finally, Tracy goes to Africa, which is just a set. 8/10

Bones Season 6 Episode 13 - The Daredevil in the Mold

Bones, while a crime show, doesn't quite follow the same format as other crime shows. This weeks murder has the body covered in a yellow mold. Both Booth and Sweets drunkenly talk about getting married, with Booth saying he's going to propose to Hannah. Fisher is back in the lab this week, but I keep thinking of him in Grandma's Boy, I just can't take him seriously. We find out that the victim was a BMX bike rider, while his friends decided to steal some mattresses ridden with bed bugs. Evidence points to him being killed over his BMX bike, with the victim cause of death being internal decapitation due to being hit in the chin with a pipe. All the while, Booth finally picks out a ring to give to Even though Bones doesn't always follow the same format as other crime shows, this episode follows the same. The first guy we see, is the killer (owner of the skate park). Another case is solved, until next week! Finally, Booth proposes to Hannah, but she turns him down (saying she's not the marrying kind). He ends up drinking with Bones at the Founding Fathers, but you can tell he's a broken man. :( 8/10

Fairly Legal Season 1 Episode 4 - Bo Me Once

Sarah Shahi stars in this "lawyer, turned mediator" story. I'll be frank, there's not a lot going for this show, to be honest. It's not that it's bad in any way, it's just that it's really all over the place. Kate (Sarah Shahi) is really all over the place, constantly on the move. This isn't a bad thing per se, but it can be quite distracting when the show brings in new plot lines out of nowhere. This ep wasn't terrible interesting at all, a BBQ sauce maker, a TV chef, the producer and the producer's dad. The main story was the dad is the real "Bo", while the chef is simply using the name. Eh, not terribly interesting at all. The sub plot line with Justin (Kate's ex-husband/ADA) went absolutely nowhere. It was nice to see Kate's step-mom drunk off her ass, but that didn't add anything to the show. Saving grace for this ep, was seeing Kate in a really short dress in the beginning of the ep. She is damn beautiful, but I miss her on Life. 7/10

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